What's Your Legacy?
How often do you think about your legacy? What does it even mean? If you have ever lost a loved one, you know there are eulogies given to commemorate their lives. We think about the ton of knick knacks that are about to be dispersed, and if we're lucky enough, we'll have fond memories to carry with us about those special moments shared.

But a legacy is far more than knick knacks. Have you ever had a mentor or favorite uncle who spent time with you? Are you smiling at the memories of the laughter over private jokes? It is about those special moments that we get to spend with those we respect and care about. It is about those opportunities we had to impart wisdom or glean one of life's simple truths. A legacy is a feeling that pervades your life and will live on in everyone you connected with.
Here are some questions to ask yourself:
How engaged am I in my own life- am I on auto-pilot or am I intentional?
Am I in touch with what matters most?
Do I make the time to sit down with family and friends and spend some real face time together?
Do I seek out connection at work beyond those on my team?
What legacy would I like to create?
How do I activate those intentions?
What more can I contribute to make a greater impact?
Allow your legacy to reach more than a select few. Allow it to infect those around you and inspire everyone you come into contact with to live their own legacy. Use your legacy to elevate others and give them courage to take action. Wield your legacy to help the less fortunate, and give them a hand up in their own lives. Allow your legacy to influence as many others as possible to pay it forward to make this world a better place!