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Are You R.E.A.L?

What is REAL? In today's society, what is authentic can be difficult to discern from the mask that technology provides. We have become disconnected from ourselves and each other, and have accepted the status quo. At McKinzie & Myers, REAL means we strive to:

Resonate with Truth.

Engage in Life.

Activate intentions and take action.

Live your Legacy!

McKinzie & Myers specializes in Coaching, Consulting & Development for Organizations, Professional, and Individuals who seek to align their culture and values to the actions by being REAL. We bring REAL Life to Leadership, Management, HR, Teams, and You through trainings and workshops that allow you to OWN IT: Operate With iNspired Integrity and Truth.

This approach is what shifts the status quo to a higher level of awareness and effectiveness. Every level in an organization contributes to its success and every level deserves the same REAL attention. By creating a culture of ownership and trust, employee engagement and satisfaction leads to greater efficiency, loyalty, and retention.

We challenge each member to assess how REAL they are both in their personal and professional lives. Are they resonating with their personal truth with clear boundaries aligned with their values? Are they engaged and connected to their truth and building meaningful connections with others? Are they activating their intentions and taking action? Are they living their legacy by understanding it is what we leave IN people, not what we leave them with? Each piece comes back to living with integrity and being a servant leader to propagate the cycle of positive evolution.

Come join us in this revolution of owning the REAL Life!

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